Mission & Social Justice Committee (MSJ)

Committee Mission: MSJ connects the Macalester Plymouth congregation with numerous ways to support people and organizations within and outside of the MPUC community on basic issues–large and small. 

The Big Picture:

  • MSJ’s primary responsibility is the disbursement of funds, allocated through the church’s general fund and designated funds, to our ecumenical and interfaith partners, global mission partners, congregational mission teams and projects, and humanitarian assistance and social justice organizations. 

  • MSJ interprets and communicates mission and social justice issues, and publicizes opportunities for service to the congregation. Our focus in recent years has been: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, accompanying immigrants & refugees, peace & justice, and caring for creation. 

  • MSJ also supports mission activities of the UCC and PCUSA–which includes informing about and promoting the collection of 4 special offerings each year.

The Closer Look: 

  • Our issues include food, shelter, collecting items necessary for specific purposes (i.e. school tools), advocacy for justice for all, and more. This involves distribution of funds, volunteering of time and skills, working with other groups (such as ISAIAH, Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul, Habitat for Humanity, etc.) 

  • We have also arranged a Community Supported Agriculture summer site at our church for drop offs for 2 years. Before that, for a few years we organized a small in-church Sunday morning Farmer’s Market. 

  • The MSJ group also keeps the congregation informed of our work, of opportunities to volunteer in various activities within and outside of the MPUC community, plus opportunities for advocacy on various issues of justice and community outreach. 

Committee Member Role: Committee members participate in the following ways: 

  • Planning our connections to and participation in various local and denominational activities. 

  • Allocating our annual budget to various projects and charities as needs arise.

  • Leading and/or participating in your choice of various activities, such as food drives, Habitat for Humanity, Loaves & Fishes meal serving, etc. 

Amount of Time Committed: varies based on projects and member interest 

Typical Meeting Schedule: Monthly for 1.5 hours

Average Number of Committee Members: 6-9 people

Interested in joining or learning more? Please email mpucengage@gmail.com